Monthly Archives: March 2012


So, where did the IDEA rabbit come from? Well, if you’ve read the About page, you‘d know that the character came about from a comic project I did in design school that kind of hit it off. The name was chosen since it was made during my study in the IDEA (Illustration & Design: Elements and Applications) program.

But where did my main inspiration and influence come from?

It was Bonboya zyu. Unfortunately, this site is only available in Japanese and the site could be improved on…especially since it’s become a nation-wide sensation.

The characters typically consist of big heads and round beady eyes. So adorable and irresistible! Must get all their merchandise! Surprisingly, these cute characters are drawn by a male illustrator who keeps his private info a secret. His single simple illustration is accompanied by a witty one word or phrase to make you smile.

I hope it will eventually spread internationally! :D

eBook Complete: Part 3 “Gift From the Moon”

Ladies and gentlemen!!

The ebook is finally published, and selling on!!! Soooo exciting!
After all those trial and errors, it’s finally done! :D I almost cried of joy…lol

I switched to using the MobiPocket Creator instead of the KindleGen since it was giving me error messages. The MobiPocket Creator has limitations, but for my first ebook, I thought I’d go simple.

So there you have it! I wasn’t too sure on how to price the books. I did a bit of research into what the ‘free’ children books looked like. I wanted to originally price it at $1.99, but you needed to price your book to at least $2.99 for you to get 70% royalty, otherwise, it was only 30%. I know that I’m not a famous writer or anything (maybe not just yet! lol), so it would probably be better to set the price to lower to get the book out there…but I had spent so much time and effort with the illustrations, writing and converting it to digital, that I felt it was worth the $2.99

Please check it out!

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eBook Process: Part 2 “Gift From the Moon”

Sorry about the delay! I was super excited, and as you can see on the black and white Kindle, it looks ok :)


However, it seems that there are lots of problems with the coding, and how it’s laid out. Sooooooo…yesterday, I started redoing the project all over again T_T…I’m just hoping that this time, it will work. Although I can’t make it perfect for all the different platforms out there, but my main target are those who have the different Kindle models, iPad and Android tablets. Unfortunately, I still can’t get the Kindle app to work on my Android phone…T_T…

Anways, I spent hours yesterday redoing the images, since the text floating over the image is NOT working with the codes I have. I know it can be done since I’ve seen the samples from Kindle…but can’t seem to figure out their codes…T_T. However, I am just going go with the image at the top and the text below instead. Perhaps in a future edition, and they make it a little more simpler to create!! will I have a book where the text is integrated on top of the illustrations.

So there is still tons of editing and redoing still to be done…T_T…I just hope it all works out in the end!!!

Please email me at for any suggestions! or leave a message in the comment section below. Thanks! :D

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