Skin Deep Website

This site allows you to look up those complicated names that are listed in the products that we use on a daily basis, and let’s you know by how dangerous it is by their ratings.

score key --  0-2: low hazard | 3-6: moderate hazard | 7-10: high hazard

You can search for by typing in a product, ingredient, or even the name of the company. Be warned that most products we use today do contain a lot of hazardess chemicals, which may mean throwing out a lot of stuff! (or slowly making a transition to all organic/natural stuff). But if you’re finding that you’re not feeling well, or have sensitive skin, it may be a good idea to start eliminating products that are slowly harming us.

A really good book that I highly recommend about the chemicals we are exposed to or ingest through food, air, medicine, etc is called “Hundred Year Lie