Venus on Fire Mars on Ice – Book

Venus on Fire Mars on Ice: Hormonal Balance – The Key to Life, Love and Energy
by John Gray, Ph.D.

Ever wonder why he acts the way he does? Or why she behaves this way and that? Because as author John Gray puts it, we’re from different planets! But this doesn’t mean that we can’t find long-lasting happiness with the opposite sex. Gray is known for his famous book, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. However, I prefer this new book of his. It explains the reasons why we behave and think differently from a biochemical perspective.

I found it quite a fascinating read without getting too complicated as if you were reading a medical book. Even if you’re single, there’s a lot that you can learn about how your body works, especially on how it deals with stress – which in this day and age, it’s pretty hard to avoid any stressful situations. So whether you’re single, looking for a partner, or in a relationship, this will help you better understand and improve your relationship with one another and yourself!! I recommended this book!

Happy Reading!