John Chow’s Seminar

I had heard John Chow’s name from time to time as the biggest blogger and thought it would be interesting in finding out more.
So through a business network group on, I went to an event where he was speaking on how to earn big bucks. Entry fee was $5.

The room was packed with about 100 people, all eager to learn more. I thought that people generated money through the ads on their blogs, but I was very wrong. I learned more about emails, newsletters, and most importantly, affiliate programs. That was what got you more money, not a penny for 1000 impression of ads.

The problem was how to get people to sign up for your newsletter through your blog. I seem to get people following my RSS feed, but no one is giving their email address for me to send out my newsletters to, making it extremely difficult. He suggested giving readers an incentive to sign up – for example, he offers his ebook free of download if you sign up to his newsletters. I could give out my illustrated ebook out for those who sign up, but then I run into technical issues of setting that up. It’s not as easy as John Chow keeps saying – he said ‘oh you can get this all set up over a weekend’. Right…


However, I did learn some useful tips. If you see that he’s going to give a speech, I highly recommend going see John Chow! Likely showing off his new gift from one of the big brands ;)