Tag Archives: eating


Anyone who suffers from Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) knows how it can put limits on our lives and cause us to lose confidence in ourselves. You have trouble focusing in class or at work with the pain/discomfort. You avoid traveling, especially if you don’t have easy access to the bathroom. You may not be able to attend social events due to dehydration, fatigue and you feel as though anything you eat could trigger another bowel movement.

I’ve suffered IBS since around I was 14. According the NCBI   IBS doesn’t cause permanent harm to the intestines, and wont lead to a serious disease, such as cancer. In my case, it was the worst two three years ago like sleeping 4 hours a night for nearly three years, barely no exercise, often sitting in front of the computer for 12 hours a day for school and work, having no breakfast, eating poor nutritional foods, lunch was always eating by the computer to get work done, taking a quick nap right after eating to catch up on some sleep, and no ‘resting’ or peaceful time.

IBS is a common functional disorder that involves abdominal pain, fullness, gas, and bloating and cramping, with either constipation or diarrhea or alternating constipation and diarrhea.Symptoms vary from person to person, but is diagnosed if the symptoms have been present for at least 6 months. There is no test to diagnose IBS, but make sure you talk to your doctor and do some tests to rule out other problems, such as an infection.

Since there are no ‘magic’ pill to cure IBS, treatments goals involve relieving the symptoms and knowing your own body. Things to help treat IBS are:

  • regular exercise
  • better sleep habits
  • reduce your stress levels
  • dietary changes that are appropriate for you such as avoiding drinks that stimulate the intestines (ie. cofee, tea, or soda)
  • avoiding large or heavy meals
  • avoid wheat, rye, barley, chocolate, milk products, and alcohol
  • increase dietary fiber

After doing most of these I’ve found improvements and find that stress is a big factor in how my digestive system functions!

There are medicines that help relieve the symptoms of IBS, however they are temporary, and do not solve the actual problem. Taking medication for prolong periods may cause other problems. I was taking Imodium almost daily and could tell it was doing harm to my stomach as I developed sores in my mouth. It’s best to talk with your doctor about IBS and medications. You may be interested in seeking help from a Chinese Herbal Medicine specialist if you’re not wanting to take any ‘drugs’. I tried the herbal medicines plus moxibustion and it has worked in the past. Homeopathy and naturopathy is another option.

Remember to take plenty of fluids and reduce your stress levels!!!

References from Canadian Health & Lifestyle Magazine and


National Center for
Biotechnology Information

edible Magazine

This is a beautiful freezine available at organic grocery stores, such as Choices. If you can’t find one, you can check it out online. Their website has a blog, tons of recipes, and features on local cafes and restaurants. If you don’t live in Vancouver, you can check out http://www.ediblecommunities.com to find your local publication.

As from a designer’s perspective, the minimal and simple layout approach is very pleasing when most magazines tries to cram stuff on every inch of the page. The paper is matte (meaning not glossy), but heavier than the usual magazine paper which gives it of a more higher-end feel. It also brings out the colours a lot more nicely, and since there are many great photos in the magazine, they definitely know their printing. Their cover usually features a very close up of food which is beautifully taken. I love the cropping, the colours and the design elements of the food they try to capture.

If you’re really into organic-eating, then you must check this magazine out. It’s got a lot of information on local stuff to eat and live a healthier lifestyle. If you’re not much into organic stuff yet, but you’re a designer, or someone who appreciates things that are nicely designed, this is a good magazine to look through!

Book: Eat, Love, Pray

Eat, Pray, Love
by Elizabeth Gilbert

A wonderfully written book. I recommend it to everyone!

Don’t watch the movie! It does not go in depth with all the inner struggles the main character faces.

The book is about the life-journey of the author, Elizabeth Gilbert on how she dealt with depression, loss, self-identity, and renewal. She had everything that a woman could dream of. She was well-educated, owned a home along with her husband, and a successful career as a writer. However, she always felt something was missing and she felt miserable, falling into depression – to the point of harming herself.

To start over, she filed for divorce, lost her home, and most of her monetary possessions.

She went on to spend several months in Italy, enjoying all the delicious food and relaxing (which is difficult to do in modern North American culture). This part of the journey is the ‘Eat’ section. Next, she goes onto India to find her spirituality, in which she learns to meditate and find peace with herself. (the ‘Pray’ part). At the end, she stays in Indonesia to find love, friendship, companionship, and community. (‘Love’.)

Her entire trip was paid for in advance with a book deal from the publisher. I’m sure the publishers are very happy! but I think Gilbert is even more satisfied for the ‘renewal’ of  her well-being.

Now most of us wouldn’t have the opportunity to just throw everything away just like that. If you have kids for instance, you just can’t decide to leave the country to live around the world. Traveling can get expensive, so unless you have quite a bit saved up, it’ll be difficult to do! But you can still try to do it without going far. You can still enjoy eating great food (as in healthy, and delicious). There are tons of restaurants in Vancouver, from Japanese, Western Korean, Malaysian, Thai, Chinese, Indian, and the list goes on. You can never run out or get bored.

Take time to read good books, enjoy time at the beach or park, buy some plants for your home, spend time with family and friends. Enjoy every moment. Enjoy the now. Although like most of us, the thought of financial problems are always at the back of our minds, especially for someone who hasn’t been working for several years, it’s a big concern. Hopefully, with time, effort and support, we’ll get to a place and time when we’ll be able to either work, or find ways of earning money (work in modern days doesn’t mean going into an office 9-5 now. There are many ways of earning from home. Ever heard of making a living out of a blog? lol – though you’re need a fairly big audience and popularity for that)

Happy Reading! Remember to Eat, Pray/Meditate, and Love!

Buy your copy of the book @ Amazon.ca. Click here.