Category Archives: Relationships

Meet Locals with Similar Interests through

Have you just moved to a new city? Want to meet the locals and make some friends trough a safe and friendly groups? Well, meetup_logothen try out It’s possibly the world’s largest network of local groups. makes it super easy for anyone to organize a local group or find one according to their interest.  The site has 10.8 million monthly visitors, and 11.1 million members (though this number is somewhat biased since many are inactive), but with 2 million RSVPs, the website mission to connect the locals through social groups is working.

Check out if your city is part of – there are apparently 45,000 cities that host these  Meetup events. For example, if you just moved  to Montreal and want to improve your French, you might decide to join the French Meetup. You don’t have to be a newbie in a city to join a group. If you want to improve your photography skills, or have started taken interest in hiking, you can find those too. Regions do play a role in how many members or how active a group is. The Japanese Meetup in Vancouver has over 1000 members and have 2 regular events every month for the last 5 years with each one with 20 people or more. Go to Calgary, and there is less than 300 members with about 5 members sign up for each event – not a sufficient  number to make good connections.
With so many things today being online, and connections only through the web, we’ve deprived ourselves from real socialization. This is a perfect opportunity to interact with real human beings once again – whether it’s to make new friends or for business purposes.
A lot of the Meetup groups are free to attend (unless specified for a special event, or if they charge a attendance fee per event – usually $1) This request for the small fee is usually to cover material costs and to have the group. The cost to run the groups on vary depending on the plan you choose: (all fees are in US Dollars)
  • $12/month for 6 months (a single $72 charge)
  • $15/month for 3 months (a single $45 charge)
  • $19/month for the month-to-month billing option

With any of the above plans, organizers can run up to 3 Meetup Groups without any further costs.

Again, for Meetup members to attend, it doesn’t cost anything unless the organizers ask for any, so start joining! As far as I know, there aren’t any limits to how many groups you can join, so let the fun begin! :D

Venus on Fire Mars on Ice – Book

Venus on Fire Mars on Ice: Hormonal Balance – The Key to Life, Love and Energy
by John Gray, Ph.D.

Ever wonder why he acts the way he does? Or why she behaves this way and that? Because as author John Gray puts it, we’re from different planets! But this doesn’t mean that we can’t find long-lasting happiness with the opposite sex. Gray is known for his famous book, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. However, I prefer this new book of his. It explains the reasons why we behave and think differently from a biochemical perspective.

I found it quite a fascinating read without getting too complicated as if you were reading a medical book. Even if you’re single, there’s a lot that you can learn about how your body works, especially on how it deals with stress – which in this day and age, it’s pretty hard to avoid any stressful situations. So whether you’re single, looking for a partner, or in a relationship, this will help you better understand and improve your relationship with one another and yourself!! I recommended this book!

Happy Reading!