Tag Archives: blender

Hamilton Beach Single Serve Blender

So, for the longest time, I had those huge kitchen blenders that just sat on the corner of the kitchen counter collecting dust. My co-worker had the Magic Bullet, and introduced me to how convenient the single-serving blenders were. I was really interested in getting myself one, so as usual, I started to research.

The Magic Bullet was way more than I was willing to spend. ($73 at Amazon.ca) and with a really small kitchen with no more space, I didn’t want to buy anything that came with all kinds of parts and features. I wanted simple. I found Hamilton Beach Single Serve Blender. No extra parts, not fancy buttons. Just blends with one button. That’s it – just the way I like it.


What I like about it:

  • the lid is actually a travel lid, meaning there’s a small hole with a cover that you can slide so you can drink while on the run
  • because the container is (or can be) the cup that you drink out of, there aren’t leftovers, or excess blended food. But if there are leftovers, just put the lid on and put it in the fridge for later consumption
  • small and compact – takes very little space in your kitchen or office
  • easy to clean, stainless steel blades
  • makes smoothies, icy drinks, shakes, protein drinks! it’s the healthy way to go~
  • BPA free in food zones
  • quality backed by 5 years warranty
  • the price – only $17 !!

I simply love this device! No more hassle with big heavy blenders. I keep it at my workplace to have a fruit smoothie for breakfast or snack. It’s great!! I recommended to everyone! :D Get it @ Amazon here!

Easy of Use:

