Tag Archives: spiritual

Book: Eat, Love, Pray

Eat, Pray, Love
by Elizabeth Gilbert

A wonderfully written book. I recommend it to everyone!

Don’t watch the movie! It does not go in depth with all the inner struggles the main character faces.

The book is about the life-journey of the author, Elizabeth Gilbert on how she dealt with depression, loss, self-identity, and renewal. She had everything that a woman could dream of. She was well-educated, owned a home along with her husband, and a successful career as a writer. However, she always felt something was missing and she felt miserable, falling into depression – to the point of harming herself.

To start over, she filed for divorce, lost her home, and most of her monetary possessions.

She went on to spend several months in Italy, enjoying all the delicious food and relaxing (which is difficult to do in modern North American culture). This part of the journey is the ‘Eat’ section. Next, she goes onto India to find her spirituality, in which she learns to meditate and find peace with herself. (the ‘Pray’ part). At the end, she stays in Indonesia to find love, friendship, companionship, and community. (‘Love’.)

Her entire trip was paid for in advance with a book deal from the publisher. I’m sure the publishers are very happy! but I think Gilbert is even more satisfied for the ‘renewal’ of  her well-being.

Now most of us wouldn’t have the opportunity to just throw everything away just like that. If you have kids for instance, you just can’t decide to leave the country to live around the world. Traveling can get expensive, so unless you have quite a bit saved up, it’ll be difficult to do! But you can still try to do it without going far. You can still enjoy eating great food (as in healthy, and delicious). There are tons of restaurants in Vancouver, from Japanese, Western Korean, Malaysian, Thai, Chinese, Indian, and the list goes on. You can never run out or get bored.

Take time to read good books, enjoy time at the beach or park, buy some plants for your home, spend time with family and friends. Enjoy every moment. Enjoy the now. Although like most of us, the thought of financial problems are always at the back of our minds, especially for someone who hasn’t been working for several years, it’s a big concern. Hopefully, with time, effort and support, we’ll get to a place and time when we’ll be able to either work, or find ways of earning money (work in modern days doesn’t mean going into an office 9-5 now. There are many ways of earning from home. Ever heard of making a living out of a blog? lol – though you’re need a fairly big audience and popularity for that)

Happy Reading! Remember to Eat, Pray/Meditate, and Love!

Buy your copy of the book @ Amazon.ca. Click here.