Tag Archives: eyes

Mt Pleasant Optometry or Vision Source?

Here are my findings of the two optometrists on Orthokertology between Mt Pleasant Optometry (MPO) and Vision Source (VS). All answers from MPO are email replies, while VS answers are in-person with the doctor.

Process Explanation:

MPO: If you have had an eye examination in the past 6 months and can provide us with a complete copy of that exam, we can work with that.  If it has been longer than 6 months we recommend a complete eye examination with full health check to ensure no contraindications to the AOK procedure.

VS: Since I had the eye exam with them, there didn’t seem to be any problems so far with AOK. I asked if my problems with nocturnal lagophthalmos (sleeping with eyes open) since I tend to wake up with my eyes dry and irritated. It’s gotten better recently by wearing eye masks though. The doctor said that she didn’t see any stains when she did the eye exam, so my nocturnal lagophthalmos isn’t bad as I think it is. However, we’ll only really know when we do the trial to see if the computer says ‘yes’ or ‘no, I’m not a good candidate for AOK’.



VS: After I get the trial lenses, and on the 2nd morning, I come to the office and the doctor will take photos of my eyes to see the difference the lenses has made. The computer will also indicate if I am a candidate to do the AOK. There may be several trials needed to see if there are other ways to treat my eyes, since every eye responds differently to treatments. Dr. Randhawa was honest in saying that it does hurt for the first couple days, which kind of deterred me…


MPO: The cost of a complete eye examination is $120 for contact lens wearers.  For the AOK training and trial, cost is $200.  The trial lenses are loaned to you during the trial period.  $100 is credited/refunded back to you when these lenses are returned.  If the training is successful and we order custom lenses for you, the cost is $500 – this is a non-refundable fee and covers the cost of the custom-made lenses (and modifications to the lenses) if we need to re-make them within the first 6 months.   The treatment fee for your specific prescription range is $2100 and covers all follow-up visits and is refundable within the first year if AOK is discontinued.  Furthermore, you have a full year to pay this treatment fee in installments.  Total cost is $2600 – $500 of which is non-refundable.

VS: Trial is approximately $500. She didn’t really know what the exact refund would be from that when I return the trial lenses (which do not have any prescription, so the eyesight wont get better during this time). In total, she said with my prescriptions, it would come to a total of $3500. However, the lenses are really high quality from downtown Vancouver which would last anywhere from 10-20 years, and the replacement was only a few hundred dollars.

Open Hours/Availability/Access:

MPO: We can accommodate Saturday appointments for all AOK consultation and follow-up visits.  The only exception is the AOK training visit which requires a scheduled appointment with one of our qualified AOK trainers.  This visit would involve all insertion/removal, cleaning/care instruction.  Our trainers are available only Monday to Friday.  So, you could come in for a consult on Saturday, be trained during the week, and then have all remaining follow-up visits on Saturdays. It’s located in a convenient location near where I live, but it’d mean I’d have to take time off from work. She didn’t indicate if the AOK training is just one visit, in which I guess it’s doable by going early in the morning.

I had originally thought of going to VS mostly because they were only open Mon-Fri 9-5 and limited time on Sat. However, they seemed to have new hours since March 4th. Open earlier, open later, and on weekends. This is just perfect!

VS: They are open Mon-Sat with some weekdays open after work hours, which works great for me since I work Mon-Fri 9-5. Located quite far, though not too bad if I go straight after work, so it’d be best if I can do it during the weekdays.


MPO: The doctor was very thorough in her email despite only sending one email to her. She took the time (as you can see) to answer many of my questions. It would be unfair to compare her to VS doctor since I didn’t see her in person to ask more questions.

VS: Dr. Randhawa took time and effort to explain things clearly for me. She didn’t seemed rushed, even though her office was already closed for over an hour. She’s very friendly and very likeable character. A very good eye doctor. Dr. Randhawa is the only doctor there, so no need to explain things twice with different doctors.


MPO: Optimal results for AOK are achieved with prescriptions of -4.00 or less in each eye.  Having said that, I have treated prescriptions higher than that with good results.  Please know that in the worst case scenario, you may be left with a small residual myopic prescription that may need to be corrected with a light set of glasses for distance vision only.  Computer and near vision should be fine without any glasses (if you are under 40 years of age).

VS: She said that for one eye, it would be close to being perfect, but the other one will be a bit blurry. But both will be sufficient for driving, or at least every day things. I could start wearing them Friday night, Sat night, and Sun night. By Monday morning, my eyes should have adjusted so that I could drive to work. The plus side of AOK is that it will prevent further advancement of nearsightedness – a good point indeed.

At this point, I’m thinking that I should go in to talk to the doctor at MPO in person, not only to see the doctor, but the staff and atmosphere of the place. Stay tuned for more!

To read my first post on Vision Source, click here.

2nd Visit to Vision Source

So I went back to pick up my glasses. (read first visit to Vision Source). They fit alright, but now I wasn’t too sure if I should have picked the thicker, designer looking glasses. I’ve always been drawn to the thin metal frames…previously, they always were the ‘main’ one, and the thick ones were only occasionally. And since the thick ones were from Clearly contacts (read my post on the order from Clearly Contacts) and I didn’t order it to be thin, they were quite heavy due to high prescriptions.

This time, I paid $48 on a free set of glasses to make the lens thinner since it was going to be the only pair that I was going to have. The glasses came with a funky case, that didn’t close properly. Even ClearlyContacts with their free glasses promotion had a better casing.




I had also made an appointment with Dr. Randhawa to consult her on Orthokertology when I was going to pick up my glasses. Since I lived far, I thought might as well make it worth the trip. My appointment was at 5pm on a Saturday. At 9:30am, I got a phone call from their office. I was sleeping at the time after going to bed around 5am…o_o…The receptionist told me that there was now an open spot for 10:30am – I think. I was still half asleep, and my memory is a bit blurry, lol. I told her I wanted to keep my 5pm appointment. I didn’t tell her that it wasn’t going to be possible for me to get there by that time. Even if I could, I needed to sleep in more…hehehe.

I got to the office a minute before 5pm, a little worried that I might be late, knowing that the office closed at 5pm. However, there were still some other customers looking at glasses, and those seated in the waiting area. I didn’t see the doctor until about 5:45pm in which the doctor apologized twice. Since I wasn’t in a hurry, it didn’t bother me too much. It showed that the doctor was dedicated in genuinely helping people, since my consultation was free of charge. Of course if I decide to do the Orthokertology, she would be getting a huge payment from me.

See my comparison in my next post between Mt Pleasant Optometry (MPO) and Vision Source (VS) on Orthokertology!

Vision Source FREE Eyeglasses with Eye Exam!

2625 East 49th Avenue | Vancouver, BC | V5S 1KJ9
Tel: 604-435-3931
Monday: 11:00-7:00
Tuesday: 9:00-5:00
Wednesday: 9:00-5:00
Thursday: 11:00-7:00
Friday: 9:00-5:00
Saturday: 9:00-5:00
As a full-time graphic designer, it’s nice to have places that are open after normal business hours and on Saturdays. Unfortunately, also because I’m a graphic designer, and spend most of the day in front of a computer, my eyes tend to deteriorate quicker.
Originally, I was looking for an optometry that offered Orthokeratology which is a non-surgical alternative to lasik surgery. I was getting tired of wearing glasses, and contacts were often irritating since I suffered from dry eyes. I came upon two optometry and sent both of them an email. The other one Mt. Pleasant Optometry was kind in replying in full detail for my questions which I really appreciated. I thought about going there, but it seemed that their schedule was going to conflict with my work. So even though they answered a lot of my questions and were closer to where I lived (in fact drove by it to and from work), I chose to go with Vision Source instead.
The main reason was that I was interested in their free glasses (complete with lens and frame) when you do a full eye exam for $85. I had asked the receptionist on the phone when I made the appointment if the $85 was for a FULL eye exam and she said yes. When I did the exam, it was not the full test that I had done at several other optometry. There wasn’t the colour-blind test, or the pressure test, or those drops that dilated your pupils so much you had to wear sunglasses for the rest of the day. However, I had done one of those complete one last year, so I thought it was ok.
I asked the girl that Dr. Randhawa had assigned to me to help find a pair of glasses for me. I asked what kind of glasses would go well with my facial type/features and she said we can just try them on to see. She suggested ones that totally didn’t look good on me, and she agreed. I went straight to ones that I felt would suite me, and they did. I ended up getting the ones that I knew from the very start – as soon as I saw the rack that those would probably be the ones.Since my prescriptions were high, Dr. Randhawa suggested I get the thinner lens which would cost $48. So $85+$48 would come to a total of $133.
Considering other places charged $120:
IRIS – where I had it the year before
Mt. Pleasant Optometry- stated in their email
Lenscrafters – don’t remember how much their’s was, but I always ended up buying glasses from them which were $300-$400
So I thought it was still cheaper than anywhere else. (although ClearlyContacts is pretty cheap…it just sucks that you can’t try them on to see how it looks on you)
The girl was suppose to measure something for my eye, but she didn’t seem to know how to work the machine. So the receptionist took over. The machine wasn’t turned on…though I don’t know how she got the measurements the first time. I wondered if my glasses were going to be ok. Is this what you get when you pay less? However, Dr. Randhawa did take the time to tell me some tips on how to keep my eyes from getting worse, or how to deal with my dry eyes, so I thought that was very helpful.
The glasses at Vision Source was going to take a week, but I wasn’t in a rush, so that was ok.  When I go to pick them up, I will consult with Dr. Randhawa about Orthokeratology, so stay tuned for the update! :D
See my next visit to Vision Source here when I pick up the free glasses!