Tag Archives: open 24/7

Duffin’s Donuts

Duffin's Donuts on UrbanspoonYes, it’s a donut + Chinese restaurant in one building! An odd combination indeed, but let’s look at the restaurant and food itself.

A run down place, but it was jam packed with customers. The food were cheap, but the quality is low. I had the Eclair $1.75, but the cream was like plastic and I could only eat half of it. It wasn’t overly sweet, but it wasn’t good at all. Blah, gross.

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The place was dirty and old. I was really surprised to see how popular this place was, not only in person, but also on reviews.

It’s open 24/7. But I wont ever return!

Taste: carrot    Price for Value: carrotcarrot

Atmosphere:  carrot   Service:  carrotcarrot
Location: carrotcarrotcarrot