Clark’s Shoes

Perhaps not the most stylish footwear, those if you really search, some are acceptable for young people and can even fit as being trendy if you can wear it right.
It’s not your Payless shoes that you get for $10, you are paying for the quality and comfort. I am amazed at the difference the shoes have, not only on your feet, but overall body. If you are going to pay lots for a big brand, might as well buy something that you are getting comfort…yes, I sound like your mother don’t I. Most of their shoes can look a bit ‘granny’ like, which is why I also check out Naturalizer Outlet.


When Sears in downtown was closing down, they had a closing out sale. I was able to get these Clark’s sandles for really cheap. I’m regretting not buying two!


I got these cute jeans flats at a store in Metrotown for a deal as well.

If you can find a decent model/type/look, get Clark’s!


Introducing Bzees! The New Ultralight, Super Flexible, Comfort Stretch Casual for Naturalizer!