Tag Archives: design

Per Diem

Per Diem is a neat blog that posts a photo a day that goes with the theme that they have chosen. For a while, they did letters of the alphabet, where people found the letters either by accident, or intentionally made them from everyday objects. Then they moved on to ‘things that looks like faces’, which was pretty interesting. Now they’re doing some scratch projects.

Really neat. Go check it out :)

Design Edge Magazine


For all those designers (specifically graphic designers) out there, this is a must-get magazine! The best part? It’s completely free! and delivered right to your home or office. Inside, you’ll get up to date on what’s happening in the design world, design schools, font contests and articles on jobs, studios and events. Sign up now or check out their website @ http://www.designedgecanada.com/

Note: the subscription is free to only Canadian addresses

Fold Pak


Now I got this take-out package from Thai Basil (1215 Thurlow St Vancouver, BC) which is really by the way.
The packaging is generic, so other restaurants would use it as well.


The packaging is from Fold Pak, a company in the US. This one isn’t eco-friendly at all, but they do have more environmentally-friendly products if you’re thinking of starting up a food business.