Heirloom Juices Co.

Heirloom Juice Co. Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - ZomatoAfter yoga practice, my yogi classmates went to Heirloom for lunch. Some of us grabbed a smoothie, which I was tempted to get, but instead got the salad instead. I thought that we would get the already packaged salad in the glass refrigerated deli case, so even though I wanted the Kale Slaw, since it had sliced almonds in it, I got the Kale Caeser $8.95 instead which only had kale, capers and croutons. I wished it had all the goodies that the Slaw had, minus the nuts.

idearabbit-heirloom4idearabbit-heirloom3 idearabbit-heirloom2However, it turned out they made everything fresh (could be just our case) as there were some in the deli case. But I figured I could ask them to make one for me without almonds.

The salad was pretty good with an interesting, unique dressing. I still would have like more variety of ingredients, but that is my fault for not asking if they could make a Kale Slaw without almonds. Still, it was filling and felt really healthy just eating it. I find it pricey though considering they are not organic, GMO free or anything (at least not what I could find on their website).

idearabbit-heirloom1(sorry, I forgot to take a pic before eating most of it…I was so hungry…)

It’s mostly as take-out place since there are only like 3 counter seats along the window. The staff was friendly and cheerful.

The next time I went, I ordered the Kale Slaw without almonds. Mmm! So good. No wonder so many of my classmates always order and rave about it. It’s got a variety of ingredients. Fresh, good and healthy :)

Taste: carrotcarrotcarrotcarrot    Price for Value: carrotcarrotcarrot

Atmosphere:  carrotcarrotcarrot   Service:  carrotcarrotcarrot
Location: carrotcarrotcarrot